WIth its unique pin matrix, the EMS Synthi fit a modular synth into a briefcase and became the engine of British space rock, soundtracks, and electronica. Synthi V equips it with modern rocket boosters to make it a vessel of creative inspiration.
Famous for Pink Floyd’s “On the Run,” the EMS Synthi and its forerunner the VCS3 are the synths you don’t realize you’ve heard everywhere.
Roxy Music, LCD Soundsystem, The Who, Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk, King Crimson, and Brian Eno, were just a few of the artists who took it on sonic journeys. Where will Synthi V take you?
Neither quite like a Mini nor quite like an ARP, the Synthi has a raw, aggressive quality that jumps out of the speakers. So will your music.
Like a certain blue telephone box, Synthi V packs incredible technology into a deceptively small package and will transport you through time and space.
Our renowned True Analog Emulation® modeling doesn’t merely mimic the sound. It reproduces exactly how and why the original’s components made that sound.
Though the Synthi is known for special FX, Synthi V will add take-no-prisoners leads, basses, and atmospheres to any style of music you throw it at.