Reka Grid is an After Effects plugin
Reka Grid is a powerful tool with a lot of features to customize and animate grids. Each point of the grid is represented by an instance of a parametric shape.
Parametric Shape
Shape can be Triangle, Rectangle, Circle, Star, “Y” or “X”
Any parameter of this shape can be adjusted and animated with noise or custom layers.
Grid Array
Grid can be regular or hexagonal. Or with the power of scripts, it can be anything like a spiral or sine and even Phyllotaxis.
Also, any parameter of the grid can be animated with noise or custom layers.
Each point of the grid is represented by copy of the shape and called an instance. Instances have a lot of parameters to animate: Radius, Angle, Position Offset, Color, Alpha.
Instances can rotated by 90 degrees with a simple script
Edge middle point and Rotation angle animated with layer
1.3.1 (Current version) – Dec 3, 2022
Updated Licensing Framework
Fixed macOS crashes
After Effects 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014