Forget about endlessly toggling down Shape properties in your timeline to add Path keyframes. Set them instantly with a shortcut.
What is it?
This plugin extends functionality to Shape Layers to quickly Add or Delete Keyframes for all Path Properties at the current time indicator.
Every Transform property has a native keyboard shortcut (P, A, R, T, S). You can quickly set Position keyframes in the timeline with ⌥+P, Scale keyframes with ⌥+S, and even Mask Path keyframes with ⌥+M. But Path properties on Shape Layers were missing…until now!
Set Path Keyframes is located within the After Effects “Animation” menu. To run, select Animation > Set Path Keyframes.
Create new keyframes for all Path properties on the selected layers at the current time
If all Path properties at the current time already have keyframes, remove those keyframes
Map to any Keyboard Shortcut (ex: CTRL + ALT + Q or ⌥ + Q)
After Effects 2023, 2022, 2021